Heartbeat Singapore

HeartBeat Singapore

We love because he first loved us.
1 John 4:19

Who It’s For

Heartbeat Singapore is the newest social service organization to focus on the family. We recognise that families may need mental and emotional support to handle their individual challenges.

When & Where

Various programmes are held by Heartbeat Singapore.

Why We’re Here

Established in 2012, we hope to take the lessons learned from Centre for Fathering and Friends of the Disabled Community to serve the community in new and creative ways.

We aim to

  • promote joyful living and healthy family functioning
  • provide training and education in personal and work-life effectiveness
  • support struggling individuals and married couples through coaching and counselling

What We Do

We carry out training, education, coaching and counselling to strengthen families. We also invite guest speakers such as Mike Cope & Landon Saunders onto national radio to spread messages on the family.

Join Us

If you have a heart for drawing families in need to God, we invite you to serve in this ministry. Do email ministry@moulmeinchurch.com to see how you may share the love and compassion of Christ with families who may not know Him.