Senior Youth

Senior Youth

Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, I have no pleasure in them.
Ecclesiastes 12:1

Who It’s For

Senior youths are our young people aged between 17 and 20, fresh into junior college or polytechnic (senior high). This is the time when they start to mature in faith and are challenged to serve in church.

Our senior youths are passionate and serving.  On Sundays, they meet for bible classes after the worship service followed by discipleship groups for further bonding with like-minded peers.

When & Where

Worship, 9.30am to 11am
Bible Classes, 11.30am – 12.30pm at #03-03

Why We’re Here

Senior youths are poised to accomplish magnificent things for the Master’s cause. As our valuable resource, we encourage them along the way so God may use them mightily.

What We Do

Very similar to the junior youths group, senior youths begin with a time of worship followed by a bible lesson to deepen and seal their relationship with the living God. The group is a close knit bunch, encouraging each other in tough times.

Join Us

If you want to lead senior youths to be shining examples of the Lord, we invite you to serve in this ministry. Do email to see how you may contribute to guide senior youths as they transition into young adulthood.

Our Ministry Team
Ministry Leader Keen Hoe Ho
Ministry Leader Jordan Tan
Ministry Leader Trainee Charmaine Neo
Ministry Leader Trainee Joey Ang
Ministry Shepherd Tat Chuan Lau